
Become a member of the Legion


Membership to the Legion cost just £18, with all of the membership fee going to the Royal British Legion to support their work with current and ex-service personnel - Very worthy cause.

and another WHY??? (Because it's worth it)

All members of Llay Legion will receive their own personal discount card entitling members to substantial discounts off each drink. The discount currently stands at 50p (January 2024)

If you drink just 2 pints of beer a week you will save more than £50 over the year so that pays your membership fee and still saves you £32. You will also be helping those past and current members of our Armed Services who need assistance.

If you want to join it's easiest using the RBL website but if you are having difficulty with the site see Mo Weston, she'll help - can't miss her,               everybody knows Mo.


At a recent club committee meeting we discussed the position of where we were with having no children in the club.

After much debate, the committee have agreed to allow children in the club from Saturday the 12th of June 2021. To allow this to happen there are strict conditions that must be applied and any parent not wishing to work with us will be told that they are not welcome in the club.

We are stating that: -

  • Children must be with parents while inside the club.
  • The foyer is a no-go area for children unless visiting the toilet.
  • There are no ball games inside the club.
  • Furniture must not be moved or climbed on.
  • The Concert room and Lounge will be out of bounds unless there are organised functions in those rooms and children have been invited to them with their parents (e.g., a Christening).
  • We had much discussion on children playing outside the club and will say that this will be at the discretion of parents but be aware that building works should begin in the 3rd week of July and in the months after that, work on the new Legion carparks, work on the Co-op and work on the houses will take place. The club will take no responsibility for accidents that may occur during this busy period or at any time.
  • All children will leave the building before 8.30pm, 9.30pm Saturdays
  • Anyone not complying with the regulations, then the parents and children will be asked to leave the club.

We used to have a good atmosphere of families and other individuals enjoying the club together and our aim is to get back to that situation, but it will not work with the environment we had prior to lockdown as there are members who stopped coming to the club because of the disruption caused by some children. We are registered as a social club which is run for the members and that must apply.

Bryan Apsley, Club Secretary

On behalf of the Club Committee 4.6.2021